How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English. The biggest mistake people make when learning English

 How to TRULY become and STAY Fluent in English. The biggest mistake people make when learning English


People have many problems when learning English; perhaps the most common negative belief is that you must look at textbooks to start learning English. I claim that I am not an English student, but I live my life in English. Now let me explain what I mean: why people study, what study means, how people generally behave during the communication process and how people view this topic is the primary goal of this study.

Studying means knowing something better by reading, looking more carefully, or researching. The learning process has always been considered complicated and boring unless its end is associated with joy, either when a course ends, or school instruction stops, and suddenly, you don't want it to end. When we think of a foreign-language-English situation, we believe it involves a daily course, interacting directly with a tutor or using the learned skills for a while. Then, we finish our work accordingly., we can use the knowledge and never return to learn again.

Being specific is very important when learning English. You must pass a test like this to score well on the IELTS. Or is it for personal pleasure or knowledge? Could it be that you need to study English for work-related matters or are moving to an English-speaking country? There are always multiple ways to achieve a particular goal; the key here is knowing which strategy to use for which specific goal.

Let's say you are asked to take an English course or pass an exam by a specific time.

It's not just learning the subject to satisfy your curiosity; you follow and love it.

Have you applied it and entered the language to become fluent?

For example, if work is why you need an email address, you might consider getting a professional one.

Are you planning to move to an English-speaking country?

A large number of candidates submit themselves to the IELTS test, study hard to achieve a required standard, get their bands, sit idle after realising their goals and stop. The risk is that you can reach an intermediate level, even an advanced level, and then what if you stop practising and using English?

It's natural for your English skills to deteriorate if you stop using them. You can take breaks from learning, and it won't harm your progress significantly. You'll be fine if you go for a month without speaking or listening to English. But if this break extends to a year, you'll likely need to brush up on some skills, especially speaking, and you might even forget some vocabulary. That's why I advocate immersing oneself in English. Regular practice is the key to maintaining and improving your English fluency.

By which I mean lively English. The way you immerse yourself in the English language is to be next to it so that you force yourself not to use it. You must be using it so much that you have unconsciously transferred it into your life that you don't think about it anymore, as the said activity has become a part of your daily life and routine. This way, you will polish your grammar and increase your vocabulary so that you don't forget English and don't spoil your skills.

The truth is that your life can only get better, if not from bad to worse, but certainly from bad to better and better every single day. You will appear to have accomplished nothing until the results manifest themselves. But, listen carefully to me; One day, someone will tell you that your English is getting better and pretty good when you look at him and think, how did I get so good at English? When I got it, they weren't hard to learn. This is how the charm of language came into existence. Realisation starts when you show a lot of progress in performance.

 However, it is not always a smooth start, requiring effort and self-discipline. However, it will be rewarding in the long run; if you don't practice the language and use it regularly, you won't progress in that language. Oh, yes, I came across this saying. If you don't use it, you lose it. College admissions mean skills need to be maintained, as well. They turn the pages of their books and even finish reading them. However, once they do, they start implementing what they have been taught in their workplace. It serves this purpose; Therefore, it maintains and enhances their skills. That's why it's essential to preserve your language. It is similar to driving a machine, car, or any other skill. After the break, you should work hard on your skills.

 Again, for a student, you learn and forget English but don't know it well. People in a cycle are constantly learning and forgetting. Although I learned to hold simple conversations in Mandarin, it never became my primary language. For most, becoming proficient in the English language is the goal. However, the fact remains that the path everyone decides to take will likely not get them there. By this, I mean the educational philosophies that people have and the ideas and strategies they use. Let's take my family as an example: we live in Ukraine. In this city, there are very few tourists who speak English. Also, it is almost impossible to talk to anyone in English.

You can study from home, take classes, have conversation clubs, and share study materials here. However, every country is different, and they have free options. My family members are in their universe, where they do everything (watch, listen, etc.) in English. One of my languages on Instagram is English.

I post—propose topics and do so in English. For our project, we have two channels, both in English. I read books, articles, periodicals, history and poetry in English. I speak English with my husband and son because we are doing bilingual training for the son. But quietly, I read to Accent Coach, took courses in Accent, and participated in English study groups and speaking clubs. During that time, I made many familiar friends who spoke the same language as me, including native speakers. I will explain this in detail in my video "How to become fluent in English".

That's why it doesn't really matter where you live in the world. Even if no one outside of an English-speaking country speaks English and you have no one to practice with, it doesn't stop you from learning English at all. Trust me, after that, everything else seems so natural to you that you don't even remember the hard times you had before and wonder why you didn't do it sooner.


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