How to Hide Apps in iOS 10


How to Hide Apps in iOS 10

In today's digital age, privacy, and organization on your mobile device are more important than ever. With iOS 10, Apple users have various methods at their disposal to manage their apps, including the ability to hide them. This can be particularly useful for those looking to keep sensitive applications out of sight or simply aiming to clean up a cluttered home screen. This guide explores several strategies to hide apps on your iOS device, ranging from simple settings adjustments to more sophisticated methods.

Introduction to Hiding Apps

iOS 10 offers several innovative features, including the flexibility to manage how apps appear on your home screen. Whether you're a parent controlling the apps your child has access to or a professional keeping business tools confidential, hiding apps can significantly enhance your interface's usability and security.

Essential Methods to Hide Apps

You can use a few foundational techniques to hide apps on your iOS 10 device. These methods do not require third-party software and are relatively easy to execute.

Using Restrictions to Hide Apps

One of the most straightforward methods to hide apps in iOS 10 is to use the built-in Restrictions feature. This feature is not just for parental control but can be used by anyone looking to hide certain default apps.

Step-by-Step Guide

Open Settings: Launch the Settings app on your iOS device.

Navigate to General: Scroll down and tap on 'General.'

Access Restrictions: Tap on 'Restrictions,' then tap 'Enable Restrictions' if it's not already activated.

Enter a Passcode: You'll be prompted to enter a passcode. This passcode will ensure that only you can change these settings.

Hide the Apps: Once Restrictions are enabled, you will see a list of apps you can disable. Disabling them will hide their icons from the home screen.

Removing Apps from the Home Screen

Another basic method of hiding apps is to remove them from the Home Screen. While this does not delete the app, it makes it less visible and accessible.

Step-by-Step Guide

Touch and Hold the App: Press and hold the icon you wish to hide until all icons start shaking.

Create a Folder: Drag the app over another app. You can drag the app into a folder if you wish to hide the app deeply.

Name the Folder: Give the folder a nondescript name or leave it blank to make it less noticeable.

Press the Home Button: Press the Home button to stop the icons from shaking. The app is now less visible.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.    Can I hide any app on my iOS device?

Yes, most apps can be hidden through Restrictions or other methods mentioned.

2.      Do hidden apps still receive updates?

Yes, hidden apps will still update automatically if you have auto-updates enabled.

3.      Can hidden apps still send notifications?

Yes, unless notifications are specifically turned off in the Settings.

4.      Is it possible to hide apps without disabling them?

Yes, using folders to minimize visibility or third-party apps for enhanced privacy are options.


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